January 05, 2013

Lynnderella Bride of Franken & China Glaze Frostbite

Hello everyone!

First, a view from my front garden the day before yesterday. It was an unusual and lovely sunset, all bright and hazy. I doubt the photo captures the true magnificence ... but sunsets in January are infrequent where I live. I guess they happen everyday... but I rarely see them as it is too cloudy, or too murky or whatever.

So today I have chosen 2 colours to layer over the RCM black gel I am wearing. There is a thin coat of OPI Nothin' Mousie about it over the black but the only evidence of this is the heart shape left on my nails. I didn't want to scrub the OPI off so the shimmery base went but the hearts remained. They were tricky enough to locate and place so I am not surprised that they were reluctant to be removed! Here are the two polishes I have chosen today.

China Glaze Frostbite, a vibrant blue with a shimmer that seems to glow from within, darker and richer than the bottle picture shows.

Lynnderella, Bride of Franken, is my other choice to wear over the China Glaze. Bride of Franken is a violet base, full of holographic dust particles and round blue/violet glitters.

Two shades of the same thing!
I have two bottles of Bride of Franken this and I think it is fair to say they are definite variations on the same theme. One is much lighter than the other, almost a baby pink. I guess that is the thing with smaller brands where the polish is made in tiny batches and also it illustrates that when buying from others, it is impossible to know the life story of the bottle!

The following are un-special pictures of the effect on my hands. The paint job doesn't really hold up to close scrutiny today! I like the colour of both polishes and both the micro holographic dust and the larder glitters show up in real life, especially as the light hits them.

Application of both were great, the China Glaze is strong enough to glow over the black base and for the colour to hold its own in two coats. The Lynnderella was simply painted on, no difficult application, glitter chasing or dabbing needed.

Slightly blurry to capture the round glitters... fail!

You can see the left over heart from the OPI polish. The holographic dust showing up here but not the round blue/violet glitters.


This blog is for my own entertainment and everything shown has been paid for by me! 

If you are reading, then you are welcome to comment and feedback is always appreciated. I am not a nail technician nor do I claim to have fantastic nails. I simply own some fabulous polishes!

all rights reserved - www.lacquerland.co.uk


  1. Wow, Bride of Franken really makes the China Glaze polish pop! It looks like a beautiful starry night sky. Nice combo =)

    It's also really interesting that those are both the same Lynnderella polishes and they look so different!

  2. Thank you. I love Lynnderella polishes.


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